Sunday 13 November 2022

Start A Career Today - Video Content Creator

 Be a leader on this team and have expertise in Adobe Premiere and After Effects. Bring fresh ideas to the table and push projects from good to great. Be creative, innovative, and break the barriers of common video editing tactics to make our content fresh, fun, and new.

- Creation of new assets and transitional elements in Photoshop or Illustrator - Photo-manipulation for on-screen assets in Photoshop - Simple After Effects or Premiere animations of assets from time to time - Layered effects (possibly utilizing simple masks) - Basic Rotoscoping from time to time - Gather and transfer all forms of media into editing software and ensure each was updated in the correct format - Operate computer editing systems and equipment used for video media and effects - Establish a clear understanding of the storyline and purpose of the video's creation - Create an initial proposed storyboard draft of the video to present and receive approval before beginning to digitally alter video
- Improve video and sound quality using various video software

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